Newsflash: in case you may not know, no two people are the same! Because of that, people clean completely differently than one another. Example: somebody who is 6' tall definitely won't be cleaning the same way someone who is 4' tall. When we designed our Compact Upright Sweep Set we kept this in mind and included a game-changing feature: a height adjustable pole that allows you to adjust the pole to your comfortable cleaning height! Thats right, cleaning can be comfortable any any angle or any height.This uniquely designed sweep set also packs a list of hidden features including a sleek, compact construction (hence the name). This gives you the ability to store the sweep set into tight spaces, which is especially important when you don't have a lot of storage space! Also, The rubber base not only gives you a quick comfortable grip for emptying the pan, but also gives you the ability to store the sweep set fully upright without tipping over.
Key features:
- Pole extends to full size broom (from 36" to 48")
- Dustpan handle locks in place in upright position
- Built–in comb on dustpan to clean bristles
- Molded grip on dustpan for easy emptying
- Folds upright for slim, compact storage
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Compact Upright Sweep Set