Have you ever walked into someone else's home and it's always clean, no matter the time of day? They probably aren't spending hours cleaning and tidying up every day. Instead, they likely have a daily cleaning routine put into place, so they're never rushing around tidying up.

By creating simple daily cleaning tasks for you and your family, you can create a mess-free home too. Consistency is key; most habits take a month to make or break. So keep going and you'll notice how much easier it is to keep up with these home organization cleaning tasks.

  1. Be Prepared

The first thing you will want to do is keep all your daily cleaning solutions and cleaning cloths in one area. Having a cleaning caddy is the best way to keep everything together. A few supplies to keep in your caddy are:

We suggest using the Infuse Cleaning Caddy for all of these items as you can fit up to 5 Infuse spray bottles and multiple microfiber cloths. Having a caddy will allow you to keep all your frequently used items close at hand.

  1. Have a Morning Routine

Having a quick and easy morning routine will help start your morning off right and keep your home clean fresh all day. It doesn't have to take hours to do; fit it in where you can throughout your morning. The best places to start your morning cleaning are the bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen.

In the bedroom, simply making your bed helps put you in a good mindset with having accomplished something early in the day. The bathrooms are a high-traffic area in the morning; simply wiping down the counters with our Casabella Infuse Bathroom Cleaner and scrubbing the toilet your home is that much cleaner for unexpected guests. Another high traffic area of the home, with more visibility, is the kitchen. By making sure all dishes are in the dishwasher or washed by hand, counters wiped with our Infuse All-Purpose Cleaner, and are floors swept, you'll have one less thing to worry about after a long day at work.

  1. Keep a Command Center

A command center in the kitchen is a great way to keep everyone in the family organized. What should a command center have?

  • Monthly or Daily Calendar- make sure it's a whiteboard. You'll be able to keep track of everyone's schedules and start fresh each month. Bonus Tip: Color code with individual whiteboard markers.
  • Small Corkboard- You can use this to hang important papers that need signing or if you have events coming up with more info than what can go on the calendar. Bonus Tip: This can also be a place you can keep the Wi-Fi password for guests.
  • Mail Drop- Have a mail drop in your command center will keep paper clutter off the counter or other random areas.
  • Cleaning Schedule- Keep a cleaning schedule visible to help family members know what needs to be done around the house. Bonus Tip: Place in a page protector; this allows you to check off as you go and start fresh each day or week.
  • Optional: Meal Planner- have an area in your command center where you can plan out your weekly meals and a running grocery list.
  1. Have a Laundry Schedule

Depending on how many people you have in your household, laundry can sometimes seem like a never-ending chore. You can tackle this one of two ways. Each person can have a dedicated laundry day or you can do as many loads possible in a day and not have to worry about it for another week. Whichever way you choose, make sure to fold and put it away on the same day. If you have older children or teenagers have them take responsibility for their own laundry. This will prepare them for when they are older and out of the house and you'll have one less task on your list.

  1. Everything Has a Place

When items have a set place in the home, it helps you keep everything clean and organized. Everyone knows where to place things and keeps unnecessary questions coming your way. Having dedicated spaces in your home with toy chests and cubbies will also keep bedrooms and living room from being overrun with toys.

Every time you leave a room, give it a quick look to see if anything needs to be put away. Teach your family to do the same and you'll find large cleaning sessions become fewer and farther in between.

This can apply to bathrooms too. For example, placing hooks on the walls keep towels off the floor and encourages family members to clean up after themselves.

  1. Keep Shoes and Coats by the Door

The best thing you can do for the health of your home is to leave shoes at the door. This keeps dirt, germs, and anything else that may be on your shoes from being tracked all over your home. It will also keep down how often you need to do a deep clean mopping.

  1. Clean Up Your Cooking as You Go

A good rule of thumb in the kitchen is to clean as you go. Place food items back in the fridge or cabinet and place any items you can into the dishwasher before eating. This will help keep after-dinner cleaning to a minimum and allow more family time in the evenings.

  1. Weekly Fridge Cleaning

To keep the contents of your fridge as fresh and usable as possible weekly cleaning is recommended. Throw out old leftovers and check expiration dates. This is also an excellent time to clean up any food spills or extra clutter within your fridge to keep things organized.

  1. Declutter When You Can

Decluttering doesn't have to be an overwhelming task. Take about 15 minutes in a room of your choice each day and choose 5-10 items that you can throw or give away. This will help your overall cleaning routine from becoming less about throwing things away and more about tidying up.

  1. Create a Nightly Routine

To help make your mornings feel less stressful and run smoothly, implement a nightly cleaning routine. Keep your nightly routine light by ensuring all dishes are in the dishwasher or cleaned by hand and wipe down all the counters with Casabella Infuse All-Purpose Cleaner. Also, do a quick sweep around the kitchen to catch anything that may have fallen on the floor while making dinner.

Before heading to bed, spend 10-15 minutes going room to room straightening and putting anything away that you may have missed during evening pick-up times.

Applying these cleaning habits to your daily routine will help keep your home (consistently) clean and organized. It doesn't have to be pristine and perfect, just enough to keep your weekends from being all about cleaning and more about spending time doing the things you love with the people you love.

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