Fall is here! With temperatures beginning to drop, it’s time to do a once-over on your home to get ready for the cooler winter months. Scroll down and checkout some easy to follow tips to prepare your home for winter!


1. Wipe down / clean window blinds + window sills!Remove AC units from your windows if you have them. Cooler weather also means closed windows  that may just remain closed for months. Don’t forget to clean off window sills, too!



2. Sweep away dirt / debris from doorways!Leaves are bound to end up by your door at some point this fall. Sweeping them away from doorways means less debris to end up in your home when guests stop by. This is also essential for a clean patio before trick-or-treaters arrive!



3. Clean out the gutters!Throw on some Heavy Duty Gloves and clean out your gutters to avoid clogs. Remove leaves, branches to ensure the gutters drain water properly (especially before winter weather arrives).



 4. Dust off light fixtures!This is a big one – clean off light fixtures, especially if they're over tables or places where you normally sit!  Nobody wants to sit down for a meal and have a huge dust bunny fall into their dinner.



5. Clean out radiators and air vents!
Cooler months mean switching from AC to heat, and its a perfect time to remove dust, dirt and debris from air vents or heaters to make sure they will work and function as they should.  



6. Get rid of pet hair!
It may be hard to believe but pets shed in the fall just as much as they shed after winter. Pets who shed will shed their summer coat preparation of their winter coat, so pet hair is bound to be everywhere. Keep couches, chairs and even your car free of pet hair by cleaning them on a regular basis until your pet officially settles into their winter coat.



7. Sweep up dirt/debris from the inside of your home (leaves, etc).As much as you try to avoid it, leaves will end up in your house at some point.  Use a floor duster or sweeper to pick up any lose dirt, debris or dust bunnies to avoid them sticking around longer than they should.



8. Wipe off and dust baseboards + moldings!A change in temperature also means a change in footwear.  Colder months usually mean clunkier shoes such as boots that can leave behind unwanted dirt everywhere (including baseboards/moldings).  Wipe them down on a regular basis before the holiday season to keep them looking as good as new!



9. Deep clean your floors – don't be quick!It's important to deep clean your floors as the winter brings high-traffic to your home during the holidays.  Take the extra time to get it beautifully clean to make it easier to clean next month!



10. Deep clean showers + tubs!

This is important as the holiday season is right around the corner, and it doesn't hurt to get a jumpstart on preparing your home for guests. 



Featured product (click to view):

• Outdoor Broom
• Window Blinds Cleaner
• Heavy Duty Gloves
• Microfiber Extendable Pivoting Duster
• Vent Brush
• Magnet Mop 2
• Floor Duster + Sweeper
• Basics Flex Floor Duster
• Flex Dispensing Scrub Brush
• No Bones About It Sponge