How do I change my address?

Log in to your account, go to the account dashboard, click “My Subscriptions” in the sidebar, find the subscription you wish to adjust, then click the “Edit” button of the row. After being redirect to the subscription page, click “Edit” in the top right corner, then you will be able to edit your billing/shipping information.

Please, mind that only logged in users can submit questions

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I love that this mop separates the dirty water from the clean water. I don't see any streaks on the floor and it stores so easily.
- Ezzzy
I am loving the Infuse products. We use them at my vacation rental and in my home. I love having less waste and being able to store lots of backups without taking up too much space.
- Jacqueline
This cleans so much better than any of the other reusable mops, great for a quick swipe over pet trampled tile! Makes the whole house smell clean and fresh!
- Melissa

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